Drizzle them with warmed extra virgin olive oil. 将加热过的特级初榨橄榄油淋在上面。
There are still vast virgin reserves of oil under the sea. 海底还有大量未利用的石油资源。
Put tomatoes, garlic, 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, vinegar in a bowl and mix. 把番茄、大蒜、初榨橄榄油和醋搅拌均匀。
Now he comes home talking saying he will only he eat his salad with extra virgin olive oil. Gone are the days of sausage and mash. 现在回到家他说他只吃由顶级纯橄榄油拌的沙拉,告别吃香肠和麦芽浆的日子了。
Additionally, pizza makers should include natural Neapolitan yeast and extra virgin olive oil in the dough preparation process. 此外,披萨饼师傅还需要天然的那不勒斯酵母与特级初榨橄榄油来发面和面。
Friends of the Earth Europe biofuels campaigner Robbie Blake cites concerns in the EU that companies have sold virgin palm oil as waste oil because it sells for a higher premium. 欧洲地球之友(FriendsoftheEarthEurope)生物燃料倡导者布莱克(RobbieBlake)以欧盟的担忧为证,欧盟中有人担心,企业将初榨棕榈油当做废油销售,因为这样的价格更高。
For example, 'If you were to give a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil to people in the U.S., many wouldn't like that burning sensation,' says Dr. Beauchamp, who has done studies on this particular condition. 比彻姆博士举例说道,如果你让一个美国人品尝一勺特级初榨橄榄油,多数人都不会喜欢它灼热的口感,他的实验也证实了这一情况。
For its gentle processing technique, virgin coconut oil contains more beneficial functional ingredients and has more functional properties. 由于加工方式温和,原生态椰子油保留了更多有益的功能性成分,因此比椰子油具有更优越的功能性质。
The researchers randomized the participants to one of three groups: the low fat diet group, the Mediterranean diet plus virgin olive oil group, and the Mediterranean diet plus nuts group. 研究者将志愿者随机分成三组:低脂饮食组,地中海饮食添加橄榄油组及地中海饮食添加坚果组。
The subjects, who mostly used extra virgin olive oil, were asked whether they used olive oil in cooking, with salads, or on bread heavily, moderately, or not at all. 这些受测者,大部分使用特级初榨橄榄油,他们被问到是否在烹调、沙拉或面包上大量、适度或完全不用橄榄油。
Dress with vinegar, salt and Extra virgin olive oil. 以醋、盐、特级初榨橄榄油调味、拌匀。
With this in mind, they conclude that the current study supports the heart health benefits of virgin olive oil. 鉴于此,他们总结称,本研究支持了优质橄榄油的心脏的保健作用。
I'm adding extra virgin olive oil to my cart because, unlike other olive oils, extra virgin hasn't been chemically processed. 我把特级原生橄榄油放进购物车里。因为特级原生橄榄油不像其他橄榄油,它没有经过化学加工。
Serve in soup bowls and decorate with a leaf of parsley or chopped chive, fresh ground pepper, and a few drops of thick coconut milk or extra virgin olive oil. 盛在汤碗中,并洒上百里香叶、切碎的细香葱、胡椒、及几滴椰汁或橄榄油做装饰。
"Pure" olive oil is made by adding a little extra virgin olive oil to refined olive oil. 纯橄榄油是添加了少量特级初榨橄榄油来精炼的橄榄油。
A touch extra virgin olive oil around Bolognese and pasta. 在肉酱和面条上撒些初榨橄榄油。
Loren puts her curves and complexion down to "a love of life, spaghetti, and the odd bath in virgin olive oil". 罗兰把拥有动人的身体曲线和漂亮肤色的原因归功于自己“对生活的热爱,常享用美味的意大利面条以及泡橄榄油浴”。
Olive Oil is a Virgin Oil and refined olive Oil mixture. 普通橄榄油是是初榨橄榄油与精炼橄榄油的混合物。
Extraction of Virgin Coconut Oil by Papain 木瓜蛋白酶水解制备天然椰子油的研究
When buying olive oil you will want to obtain a high quality EXTRA VIRGIN oil. 购买橄榄油的时候,你应该选择高质量的特级初榨橄榄油。
Palmer's Olive Butter Formula Concentrated Cream is a rich cream formulated with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Vitamin E to relieve extra dry, flaky skin. 天然有机橄榄油和维E专门针对干燥是身体肌肤天然有机橄榄油和维E专门针对干燥肌肤、尤其是身体肌肤因为干燥而出现皮屑乱分的现象。
Marinated with fresh basil, parsley leavers, extra virgin olive oil& balsamic vinegar. 圣女果,奶酪,法香,橄榄油和法国香醋。
The acidity, although it is an important measure of classification of extra virgin oil, it must not be the only reference to indicate the quality of the Oil. 酸度是选择特级初榨橄榄油的重要分类标准,但并非判定橄榄油品质的唯一参考。
This crude glycerin is from pure virgin vegetable oil. 这是未加工的甘油,来自纯洁,原始的植物油。
You must, when you are firing up potato croquets, make sure your extra virgin olive oil is very hot, this way the potato croquet will not disturb the oil, make it a nice crispy. 你必须,当你在火上做这个菜时,要让特级新榨橄榄油非常热,这样土豆球才不会让油乱套,才能保证外表很脆。
In a ceramic bowl put the sea urchin and extra virgin olive oil, gently toss and taste seasoning, reserve. Thickly slice the warm potatoes and add to a serving bowl, then pour over the dressing. 取一陶瓷碗,将海胆,橄榄油,盐和胡椒放入碗中,拌匀.将土豆切成后片放到大碗里,倒入调味汁。
Extra virgin olive oil is obtained by chilling the olives that are found in the foothills of Umbria and these are picked annually and entirely by hand. 特级轻榨优质橄榄油是通过致冷在翁布里亚山麓找到的橄榄而获得的,这些橄榄是年年完全靠手工采摘的。
Californian virgin gas oil was cut into light and heavy gas oil fractions ( 204 360 ℃, 360 482 ℃). 加里福尼亚柴油馏分切割成轻、重两个柴油馏分(204~360℃和360~482℃)。
The safflower oil derived multi-unsaturated fatty acid monoglyceride was synthesized from net glycerin and virgin safflower oil catalyzed by inorganic bases. 本文以新鲜的红花油和纯甘油为原料,在无机碱催化剂的作用下,合成红花油衍生多元不饱和脂肪酸单甘酯。